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My name is Lola. I feel privileged to be able to share my experiences of the things I love with you through my blog and quarterly features on Kinimori.

I am passionate about plants and horticulture, and exploring their links with human existence and creativity.

I hope this blog inspires you. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media. Enjoy!



Fanimora means ‘fascinating’ or ‘hold close’ in the language of the Yoruba people of West Africa.

I am excited about my intention to consciously explore the connections between the plant world, and human existence and creativity. We all live those connections in many ways every day, wherever we are in the universe, but do we sometimes take those links for granted or simply ‘not see’ them? A connection may be known to one society and unknown to another, understood differently or even ‘forgotten’ altogether.

Fanimora! is where I will share what this plant lover finds, what I see … Kini mo ri!

If creators and creations make me think or say, ‘Fanimora!’, I’ll let you know about it.

It will be interesting to know whether you feel the same way too.

I’m going to take my time with this …

My glorious odd one out

My glorious odd one out

Blue skies before Ciara

Blue skies before Ciara